Development Lounge

The Development Lounge is busier than ever, producing high quality interactive media for agencies and businesses across the country. Below are just a few of the exciting interactive projects and development examples we've enjoyed creating.

Interactive Development Examples

Ram Iron & Metal Inc.

Rebranding with a WordPress site that has opened their accessibility to their target mobile customers.

The Farm Inc. - Communication and Marketing Design

This Agency wanted a full screen site that was not just responsive, but also an experience that would be identical from desktop to mobile. PHP, JQuery, Lightbox

Momentum Dental Wellness Collective

A WordPress site showcasing the new office space in a hand-picked theme furnished with applicable plugins.

Turbo Communications

This Agency needed a web presence in which an existing theme was selected and modified to match their own design approach.

Launch By Design

Transition from a static PHP site to WordPress required some consulting and development to best show off their interior design portfolio.

Matter Strategic Design

When a Designer is too busy to design their own company site, a creative solution for a coming soon page provided a fun development challenge.

Bluffers Park Marina

Designed and developed in 2012, this site still provides the info for marina users and new comers.

OK Learn

This site assists adults in furthering their education and provides resources in the Toronto and North York area.

Epireon Mortgage Capital Corporation

This site showcases both the Lending and Brokerage side of Epireon using the same design throughout. A PHP and MySQL database allow for client login for further details.

Great Lakes Yacht Service

A sister site to Bluffers Park Marina, this WordPress site just needed to showcase products and services available all year long at the marina.

York Nursery

A bold design approach required a lot of rejigging of a common WordPress theme, but the results made for a happy client.

Diamond Approach Toronto

This Toronto Chapter of the organization needed an overdue refresh of their website to keep their members informed.

Thunder Thighs Costumes

Currently under construction, this WordPress website will get Thunder Thighs gigantic inventory online for the first time.

London Drugs

Annual Partner Presentation HTML Email Campaign with cross client compatibility.

American Express

HTML Email Campaign. The challenge with multimedia emails is always the cross client compatibility. And that is always guaranteed.


A PHP site making use of XML and an admin side so Archeo can update their own menu.

Boiler House

A dynamic browser layout with an interactive combo of JQuery and Lightbox.

The Distillery Historic District

This site has a little of everything: PHP, DHTML, JQuery, Lightbox, MySQL, Flash, and a custom CMS.

Richard Ivey School of Business Executive MBA

An information and sign up site using ASP and SQL for managing information sessions.

Sikha & Tsufa Haute Couture

This Flash site lets you explore 10 examples from the collection with the help of an interactive magnifying glass.

Monitor 24-7 Inc.

A classic ASP site that was developed for easy addition of multiple languages.

Mazda a-maze-ing race

Promotional Flash-based driving game.

Dynamic website using ASP, DHTML, Flash, Video, AJAX, SQL database.

Stone House Catering

A classy PHP site to make you hungry.

2,500+ product, data-driven website combining Flash, ColdFusion and MySQL technologies.

Flash and HTML promotional website. Module development plus ongoing maintenance.

Flagship website for Tetley Canada, website utilizing Flash, ColdFusion and MySQL technologies.

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Or you can call one of our offices:

Resource Lounge East


Resource Lounge West


"We have always found Resource Lounge to be reliable, flexible and professional. They have assisted us on many projects and I would not hesitate to recommend them."
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